Lansweeper uses the combination domain name\computer name as a unique identifier.
Currently, the correct way to rename a computer is to first rename it in Lansweeper and then rename the machine itself. You can rename a computer in the Lansweeper configuration console under Lansweeper\Scanned Computers by right-clicking on the machine and selecting “Rename computer”. The computer’s database entry will then continue to be updated as usual.
We have considered implementing an automatic name change protocol, but have yet to find a solution that works 100% of the time.
To find machines that have already been duplicated, please try the report below.
Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblComputers.Firstseen, tblComputers.Lastseen,
From tblComputers Inner Join
(Select Count(tblComputers.Computername) As [IP Count],
From tblComputers
Group By tblComputers.LastknownIP
Having Count(tblComputers.Computername) > 1) DuplicateIP On
DuplicateIP.LastknownIP = tblComputers.LastknownIP
Order By tblComputers.ComputerUnique