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Engaged Sweeper III

Due to eClinicalWorks updates installing over each other, running a normal "software" report will not do the job.

The example below as to why in my experience it is difficult to write a normal software installation report for the software. As you can see, the version number for one installation shows as the version, while another installation the version number is part of the software name.


So I came up with this solution:
Add a custom file scan

For the on premise lansweeper - go to Scanning -> File & registry scanning

Add a file scan








Remember to check the box to enable it.

The report
Next, we wrote this report (that we update each time we have an upgrade of any kind to do)




Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
  tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified > '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then 'Up to date'
    Else 'Out of date'
  End As [Patch Status],
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified < '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then '#ff6666'
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified >= '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then '#009900'
    When tblFileVersions.Found = 'false' Then '#ffff00'
  End As backgroundcolor,
From tblAssets
  Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
  Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
  Inner Join tblFileVersions On tblAssets.AssetID = tblFileVersions.AssetID
  tblFileVersions.FilePathfull =
  'C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks\eClinicalWorks.exe' And
  tblAssetCustom.State = 1




To find the value of the modified date we used in the query, you have to update at least 1 PC and check the properties on the file. Basically open the software, attempt to log in and do the required update. (Don't worry, we'll get how to do a working mass deployment without having to run this manually on each machine by the end)

The color values are as follows:
Green - up to date
Yellow - not installed
Red - Out of date.

Populate the report:

To populate the report, start a "rescan asset(s)". I found the best place for me to run this on all machines is under Assets -> Domains & Workgroups and select my domain.

Assuming all your systems are 64bit Windows, the report will populate as your devices are scanned.

More reports for automatic deployment:

This report is the same as above. We only add it to show only the 'Out of date' assets. We'll use this later for doing a scheduled deployment.




Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
  tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified > '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then 'Up to date'
    Else 'Out of date'
  End As [Patch Status],
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified < '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then '#ff6666'
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified >= '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then '#009900'
    When tblFileVersions.Found = 'false' Then '#ffff00'
  End As backgroundcolor,
From tblAssets
  Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
  Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
  Inner Join tblFileVersions On tblAssets.AssetID = tblFileVersions.AssetID
Where tblFileVersions.Found = 'True' And tblFileVersions.FilePathfull =
  'C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks\eClinicalWorks.exe' And Case
    When tblFileVersions.LastModified > '12/06/2022 00:00:00' Then 'Up to date'
    Else 'Out of date'
  End = 'Out of date' And tblAssetCustom.State = 1




Since you've already started rescanning everything in the previous steps above, the report should start showing out of date assets shortly.

Set up your deployment:

With an update MSI: (Usually provided when a major version change is installed)
On your Lansweeper server, go to your {PackageShare}\Installers folder.
Create a new folder such as eCW (on my installation I have it set as eCW and a subfolder for the main version number such as V11)
On my installation our path is: {PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\v11

Place your msi file in the folder.  We left the file name as it came from the vendor: 
Client_Upgrade V11.52.305C.66_64.msi 

The latest version of ecw also required installing the ecw plugin. You will need to get that file if needed and save it to the deployment share. Update the deployment below as needed for that.

Save this deployment below as ecwupgrade.xml 



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Name>eCW - Upgrade 1/11/2023</Name>
  <Description>This works for the upgrade occured on 1/11/2023
This is for UPGRADE only!
Do not use this for reinstall!</Description>
      <Name>Message - ECW upgrade starting</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW update starting. Please wait</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Kill eCW process</Name>
      <Parameters>/f /t</Parameters>
      <Command>taskkill /im eClinicalWorks.exe /f /t </Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>remove old upgrade msi</Name>
      <Command>del "c:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks Client Upgrade\UpgradeSetup.exe"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Install Upgrade Setup</Name>
      <Path>{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\V11\Client_Upgrade V11.52.305C.66_64.msi</Path>
      <MSIParameters>/i /qn /norestart</MSIParameters>
      <Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\V11\Client_Upgrade V11.52.305C.66_64.msi" /norestart /qn</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW Update status</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * Update: ECW is still being updated at this time.</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Wait about 2 minutes for delayed msi installs</Name>
      <Command>ping -n 300</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Kill MSIEXE.exe</Name>
      <Parameters>/f /t</Parameters>
      <Command>taskkill /im msiexec.exe /f /t</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Install ecw Plugin 4.6.3010</Name>
      <Parameters>/qn SERVERURL="https://(yourserverurl:port/mobiledoc/jsp/webemr/login/newLogin.jsp"</Parameters>
      <Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\Plugin\Setup.msi" /qn SERVERURL="https://(yourserverurl:port/mobiledoc/jsp/webemr/login/newLogin.jsp"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW update failure</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW Update: FAIL  Please submit a helpdesk ticket for immediate support.</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW Plugin install failed</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * The ECW Plugin installation failed.</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW Update has completed</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * The ECW update is complete.  You may now use the software.</Command>
      <Conditions />



 Note: You will need to modify (yourserverurl:port) to your installations path (web or localhost). If you do not know what this is, see your current config.xml for the software on a working asset that has not been updated yet.

We had an issue with msiexec.exe hanging after the upgrade msi is ran, so we have to kill it after a couple of minutes before running the plugin msi installer.

Schedule the deployment:

Next, go to your Deployment -> Scheduled Deployments

Select New deployment configuration at the bottom of the page.
For Execution plan - select After scanning

Package - Select the eCW - Upgrade 1/11/2023 (or whatever you renamed it to)
Deploy on - Report - Select the report we did under More reports for automatic deployment:
Click OK

If you are not ready for this to start deploying, make sure you uncheck the box for Enable.

If you are ready - check the box to enable, and you can choose to "deploy now" or just let scanning overnight, or over the weekend do its thing.


Updates that do not need an update.msi file.

After running your apu tool, and ecw says you need to upgrade to prevent database corruption, do the following:

Open ECW on a client machine. Let it get to the update required message. (I can't remember if you have to run the update or not - so be ready to grab the file below)
Go to C:\ProgramData\eClinicalworks
Search for

Copy this to a seperate location.

On your lansweeper deployment install folders, create a new folder called ecwfileupdate.

Extract all the files in the to the ecwfileupdate folder.

Save the deployment below so you can import it:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Name>ECW - Upgrade File copy (NOT INSTALL)</Name>
  <Description>This copy's and replaces all the files Primary files
      <Name>Verify ECW is already installed</Name>
          <SpecOne>C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks</SpecOne>
      <Name>ECW update starting</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW is updating. Do not open it until told to.</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Kill ecw process</Name>
      <Parameters>/f /t</Parameters>
      <Command>taskkill /im eclinicalworks.exe /f /t</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Copy ECW files</Name>
      <Command>copy "{PackageShare}\Installers\ecwfileupdate" "C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks\" /Y</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW update completed</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * /W ECW upgrade complete. You may open ECW.</Command>
      <Conditions />



Note: To prevent accidental deployment of this to "install" ecw, we check that it is already installed. If eclinicalworks.exe is not found, it will not proceed.
You can schedule this like we did with the MSI update.
This basically copies all the files you put into the ecwfileupdate folder to the ecw installation folder in program files and replaces everything.

ECW Full Install / Re-install

Create a new deployment folder on your lasweeper server. 
Mine is {PackageShare]\Installers\eCW\V11
Get your ClientSetup.exe from the vendor.
Get your current ecw Plugin MSI as well.

Save it in this location.
Next, from a device that already has everything configured copy the following files:

If you use a custom dymo template - copy it from the Dymo Templates folder

Put these files in the deployment folder with the ClientSetup.exe

Save this deployment as a .xml and import into your Deployment Packages:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Name>Install - ECW Full Install (exe)</Name>
  <Description>Installs ECW and copies needed configuration files.
Last updated 1/13/2023</Description>
      <Name>Verify install file exists</Name>
          <SpecTwo>Client_Install V11.52.305C.66_64.exe</SpecTwo>
          <SpecTwo>Address Barcode Top.label</SpecTwo>
      <Name>Install ECW</Name>
      <Path>{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\v11\Client_Install V11.52.305C.66_64.exe</Path>
      <Parameters>/SILENT /NORESTART</Parameters>
      <MSIParameters>/i /qn /norestart</MSIParameters>
      <Command>"{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\v11\Client_Install V11.52.305C.66_64.exe" /SILENT /NORESTART</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Copy configuration.xml</Name>
      <Command>copy /y "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\V11\configuration.xml" "C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Copy secondary config file</Name>
      <Command>copy /y "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\V11\CwUIDefs.xml" "C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks\"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Copy ecw dymo template</Name>
      <Command>copy /y "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\V11\Address Barcode Top.label" "C:\Program Files (x86)\eClinicalWorks\Dymo Templates"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Command>timeout /t 30 /nobreak</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>Install ecw Plugin 4.6.3010</Name>
      <MSIParameters>/i /qn /norestart</MSIParameters>
      <Command>msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\Installers\eCW\Plugin\Setup.msi" /norestart /qn SERVERURL="https://(yourserverurl:port/mobiledoc/jsp/webemr/login/newLogin.jsp"</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>ECW Install complete</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * eCW Installation complete: You may use ECW</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - Installation file missing</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW installation file is missing</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - Install ECW Failed</Name>
      <Command>eCW Install Failed. See deployment log.</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - Configuration fail</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW Configuration failed</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - CwUIDefs.xml" failed</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * eCW Install - CwUIDefs.xml failed to copy</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - Address Barcode Top.label" failed to copy</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * eCW Install: Address Barcode Top.label Failed to copy</Command>
      <Conditions />
      <Name>MSG - ECW Plugin failed</Name>
      <Command>msg.exe * ECW Plugin installation failed</Command>
      <Conditions />


After running the installer, remember to log into eCW as an admin of the software so it is "allowed" to be used in the future by other users.

Hope these items help and save you time and man hours!


Engaged Sweeper

Nice I'll have to try this, my company is also using eCW. Q: Does your client install package also install XP Tablet PC Edition Development Kit v1.7?

Engaged Sweeper III

Yes, it does install the XP Tablet PC software still to this day.


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

This is GREAT! This has so many different applications in finding unique entries. 

Thanks for sharing so much detail. This is excellent work! 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

Thanks for sharing this excellent post. You put a lot of work into this! 😎

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