Hello guys!
I'm trying to make a report that gives me a list of all the assets without antivirus installed, the problem is that I want to remove Windows Defender and not take it as an antivirus, but I can't find a way to remove it. any ideas?
i have this query:
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tsysOS.Image As icon,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysOS On tblAssets.OScode = tsysOS.OScode
Left Join tblADComputers On tblAssets.AssetID = tblADComputers.AssetID
Inner Join tblAntivirus On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAntivirus.AssetID
Where Not tblAntivirus.DisplayName = 'McAfee Endpoint Security' And
Not tblAntivirus.DisplayName = 'Windows Defender'
Order By tblAssets.AssetName
The thing is we want to migrate from McAfee to Crowdstrike and we want to make the deploy with LansWeeper, thats why i want this report, because i need a list with the assets without antivirus, but is impossible to take out Windows defender and get the assets without AV.