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Engaged Sweeper
I would like to know if I can Filter out one of my domains 'XXXDEV' to not show on my WIN Server Report
or by an IP range. I wish we did just not scan this group but we do and would not like these systems to show in the report.

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
Coalesce(tsysOS.Image, tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10) As icon,
tblOperatingsystem.Caption As OS,
When (tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2000%' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2003%' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2008%') Then 'EOL'
When tblAssets.Version In ('1709', '1803', '1903') Then 'EOL'
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like
'%2012%' Then 'EOL'
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And (tblAssets.Version = '1607' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2016%') Then 'EOL'
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And (tblAssets.Version = '1809' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2019%') Then 'EOL'
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '1909' Then
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '2004' Then
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '2009' Then
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '20H2' Then
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '21H2' Then
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like
'%2012%' Then Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As
nvarchar) + ' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And (tblAssets.Version = '1607' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2016%') Then Cast(DateDiff(DAY,
GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) + ' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And (tblAssets.Version = '1809' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2019%') Then Cast(DateDiff(DAY,
GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) + ' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '1909' Then
Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) +
' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '2004' Then
Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) +
' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '2009' Then
Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) +
' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '20H2' Then
Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) +
' days remaining'
When GetDate() < subquery1.[EOL Date] And tblAssets.Version = '21H2' Then
Cast(DateDiff(DAY, GetDate(), subquery1.[EOL Date]) As nvarchar) +
' days remaining'
Else 'Supported'
End As Status,
subquery1.[EOL Date],
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[EOL Date] Then '#ffadad'
When GetDate() >= subquery1.[Mainstream Support End Date] Then '#ffd152'
When GetDate() >= DateAdd(month, -12, subquery1.[EOL Date]) Then '#ffd152'
Else '#d4f4be'
End As backgroundcolor
From tblAssets
Left Join (Select tblOperatingsystem.AssetID,
When tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2000%' Then '2010-07-13'
When tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2003%' Then '2015-07-14'
When tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2008%' Then '2020-01-14'
When tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2012%' Then '2023-10-10'
When tblassets.Version = '1607' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2016%' Then '2027-01-12'
When tblassets.Version = '1809' Or
tblOperatingsystem.Caption Like '%2019%' Then '2029-01-09'
When tblassets.Version = '1903' Then '2020-12-08'
When tblassets.Version = '1909' Then '2021-05-11'
When tblassets.Version = '2004' Then '2021-12-14'
When tblassets.Version = '2009' Then '2022-05-10'
When tblassets.Version = '21H2' Then '2031-10-14'
End As [EOL Date],
When tblassets.Version = '1607' Then '2022-01-11'
When tblassets.Version = '1809' Then '2024-01-09'
When tblassets.Version = '21H2' Then '2026-10-13'
End As [Mainstream Support End Date]
From tblOperatingsystem
Inner Join tblassets On tblassets.AssetID = tblOperatingsystem.AssetID) As
subquery1 On subquery1.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Inner Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID =
Inner Join tblState On tblState.State = tblAssetCustom.State
Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On tblOperatingsystem.AssetID =
Left Join tsysOS On tsysOS.OScode = tblAssets.OScode
Inner Join tblComputersystem On tblComputersystem.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID
Where tblState.Statename = 'Active' And tblComputersystem.Domainrole > 1
Order By tblAssets.Domain,
Engaged Sweeper
Thank you!
Champion Sweeper III
should be

WHERE tblassets.domain <> 'XXXDEV'

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