Thanks @DavidPK. I have watched that video a couple of times, and it helps some, but hasn't quite gotten me "across the finish line".
I have successfully created the report that I am wanting, with one exception...I am trying to filter out any assets that were last seen over 31 days ago. I can do it for a specific date, but I want it to "roll" based on the day that the report is run/viewed. So, at this point I am looking for some help with the custom filter that I would need to write.
The code for the "default" filter that I have working is:
"$or": [
"Last Seen": {
"$gtDate": "2024-12-29"
and I could really use some assistance getting it to be dynamic. ChatGPT has suggested that I use the following:
"$match": {
"Last Seen": {
"$gte": {
"$dateSubtract": {
"startDate": "$$NOW",
"unit": "day",
"amount": 31
"$lte": "$$NOW"
and I cannot save it because I get the following error: "One or more steps in the report contains errors. Please fix them before saving changes."
Thank you