07-12-2024 08:13 AM
Where do I find the June 2024 report?
Last I could find is December 2022
07-12-2024 09:38 PM
All of the vulnerability reports are things I create to help all the customers and serve as an example of what you could do. So its more inspiration rather than a service (hence why its free).
The version @Mister_Nobody posted is a great example that compares all your assets to the highest version detected in your environment. So if you install the latest version on one device, that report should work great.
The alternative would be to use the old report you find and update it with the latest driver numbers stated in the NVIDIA security center.
07-12-2024 08:25 AM
Universal report:
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tblVideoController.driverversion As Version,
b.LatestVersion As [Highest Version Detected],
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblVideoController On
tblAssets.AssetID = tblVideoController.AssetID
Inner Join (Select __.caption,
LatestVersion = __.driverversion
From (Select *,
r = Row_Number() Over (Partition By _.Caption Order By _.Major Desc,
_.Minor Desc, _.Build Desc, _.Revision Desc)
From (Select Distinct tblVideoController.caption,
Major = Convert(int,ParseName(tblVideoController.driverversion,
Minor = Convert(int,ParseName(tblVideoController.driverversion,
Build = Convert(int,ParseName(tblVideoController.driverversion,
Revision = Convert(int,ParseName(tblVideoController.driverversion,
From tblVideoController
Where tblVideoController.adapterram > 0 And
IsNumeric(Replace(tblVideoController.driverversion, '.',
'')) = 1) _) __
Where __.r = 1) b On tblVideoController.driverversion <> b.LatestVersion And
tblVideoController.Caption = b.caption
07-12-2024 08:25 AM
You can change filter by youself.
07-12-2024 10:47 AM
Of course I could do.
But why I should do that?
I expect Lansweeper to provide up-to-date versions of such reports on a regular basis.
07-12-2024 11:13 AM
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