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02-20-2018 11:43 PM
# Import the Active Directory module for the Get-ADComputer CmdLet
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Get today’s date for the report
$today = Get-Date
# Setup email parameters
$subject = “ACTIVE SERVER SESSIONS REPORT – ” + $today
$priority = “Normal”
$smtpServer = “mailserver”
$emailFrom = “lansweeper@yourdomain.com”
$emailTo = “you@yourdomain.com”
# Create a fresh variable to collect the results. You can use this to output as desired
$SessionList = “ACTIVE SERVER SESSIONS REPORT – ” + $today + “`n`n”
# Query Active Directory for computers running a Server operating system
$Servers = (Get-ADComputer -properties * -filter "OperatingSystem -like '*server*' ")
# Loop through the list to query each server for login sessions
ForEach ($Server in $Servers) {
$ServerName = $Server.Name
# When running interactively, uncomment the Write-Host line below to show which server is being queried
# Write-Host “Querying $ServerName”
# Run the qwinsta.exe and parse the output
$queryResults = (qwinsta /server:$ServerName | foreach { (($_.trim() -replace “s+”,”,”))} | ConvertFrom-Csv)
# Pull the session information from each instance
ForEach ($queryResult in $queryResults) {
$RDPUser = $queryResult.USERNAME
$sessionType = $queryResult.SESSIONNAME
# We only want to display where a “person” is logged in. Otherwise unused sessions show up as USERNAME as a number
If (($RDPUser -match “[a-z]”) -and ($RDPUser -ne $NULL)) {
# When running interactively, uncomment the Write-Host line below to show the output to screen
# Write-Host $ServerName logged in by $RDPUser on $sessionType
$SessionList = $SessionList + “`n`n” + $ServerName + ” logged in by ” + $RDPUser + ” on ” + $sessionType }
# Send the report email
Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -Subject $subject -Body $SessionList -SmtpServer $smtpServer -From $emailFrom -Priority $priority
# When running interactively, uncomment the Write-Host line below to see the full list on screen
# $SessionList
04-17-2023 07:44 PM
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