The new version includes the new report Builder. It can be found in the Configuration program under Reports & alerts->Report Builder.
To do the report you are asking for, right click anywhere in the report list on the left side and select 'New Report'. Drag the tables tblComputer, tblComputersystem, and tblProcessor to the blank area. The joins will be created automatically. Check off the boxes for the fields you want (tblComputers->Username, Computer; tblComputersystem->Manufacturer, Model; tblProcessors->Name), and check the results by switching to the 'Results' tab. Keep in mind that if a Computer has more than one processor (including cores), an entry will be made for each processor/core. To save the report, give it a 'View Name' and 'Report Name' and click the Save button in the upper-left corner (looks like a workbook with a floppy disk on it).
If the multiple results/computer issue is a problem, let me know and I will work on explaining a way around it.
EDIT: I looked into it, and the best way to return one result/computer is to filter on tblProcessor.DeviceID. The final query (in the bottom window) should look like this:Select tblComputers.Computer, tblComputers.Username,
tblComputersystem.Manufacturer, tblComputersystem.Model, tblPROCESSOR.Name,
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblComputersystem On tblComputers.Computername =
tblComputersystem.Computername Inner Join
tblPROCESSOR On tblComputers.Computername = tblPROCESSOR.Computername
Where tblPROCESSOR.DeviceID = 'CPU0'