Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName As [Asset Name], tblLsAgentGroup.Name As [LsAgent Group], tblAssets.LastLsAgent As [Last LsAgent Scan], tblAssets.LsAgentVersion, tblLsAgentAssetState.statename As Status, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress As [Last known IP], tsysOS.OSname As OS, tblAssets.SP As [Service Pack], tblAssets.Description From tblAssets Inner Join tblLsAgentAsset On tblLsAgentAsset.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID Inner Join tblLsAgentAssetState On = tblLsAgentAsset.Status Inner Join tblLsAgentGroup On tblLsAgentGroup.LsAgentGroupID = tblLsAgentAsset.LsAgentGroupID Left Join tsysOS On tblAssets.OScode = tsysOS.OScode Inner Join lansweeperdb.dbo.tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssets.LastLsAgent < GetDate() - 7 And tblAssetCustom.State = 1 Order By [Last LsAgent Scan] Desc, [Asset Name]
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName As [Asset Name], tblLsAgentGroup.Name As [LsAgent Group], tblAssets.LastLsAgent As [Last LsAgent Scan], tblAssets.LsAgentVersion, tblLsAgentAssetState.statename As Status, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress As [Last known IP], tsysOS.OSname As OS, tblAssets.SP As [Service Pack], tblAssets.Description From tblAssets Inner Join tblLsAgentAsset On tblLsAgentAsset.AssetID = tblAssets.AssetID Inner Join tblLsAgentAssetState On = tblLsAgentAsset.Status Inner Join tblLsAgentGroup On tblLsAgentGroup.LsAgentGroupID = tblLsAgentAsset.LsAgentGroupID Left Join tsysOS On tblAssets.OScode = tsysOS.OScode Inner Join lansweeperdb.dbo.tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Where tblAssets.LastLsAgent < GetDate() - 7 And tblAssetCustom.State = 1 Order By [Last LsAgent Scan] Desc, [Asset Name]
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