i.kulgu wrote:
frendel wrote:
i.kulgu wrote:
@ frendel
It doesn't work, you need to give up the place where the information is taken.
Like if you want to display the Username than you have to replace somewhere tblComputersystem.Description with tblComputers.Username.
But the question is where ?
If you look at what I said, it clearly stated that we changed the stored procedure "Web30computers" and changed the 2nd value in the select statement to be "tblComputers.Username".
The rest is in the it-alldomain.aspx file to which I listed all changes made in there.
Can't find web30computers procedure anywhere ... can you tell me the exact place ?
You have to go right into the database. We use Microsoft SQL server management to do that as we have other SQL databases we maintain. If you don't have something that can do that, you would have to find something. If you don't know what you are doing when it comes to SQL, I wouldn't start messing around. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to do it in the Lansweeper GUI.
If/when you do get something to change the database, you just have to find the proper stored procedure in the database and change the proper area. Can't really explain more than that as each setup can be different as well as each way to access the sql database can be different.