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Engaged Sweeper III
Hello all,

I've had a look at the new Video Overview from Lansweeper and I've seen something very interesting and can't find it in the latest update that was available (v.5306).

It's the line chart with "New Employees by Months" seen at 2m35s in the video.

Does anyone know where to get this custom widget?

Thanks in advance!
Lansweeper Alumni
You can get this by counting the number of AD accounts created per month. In order to get precise numbers, be sure to have set up Domain User Scanning for the OU of your user accounts. Save the report below under a name beginning with "Chart: ..." and use it in a Chart report widget.

Select Top 1000000 Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated)) As month,
Count(tblADusers.ADObjectID) As number
From tblADusers
Where tblADusers.whenCreated > GetDate() - 365
Group By Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated))

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Alumni
You could perfectly add tblADusers.OU to your report and enter criteria in order to list only specific OU's. When doing this, use the format OU=Your OU,DC=Your Domain,DC=Your TLD, without spaces after the commas.
Because this report does a count, after adding tblADusers.OU to the report, you need to enable grouping for this field as well.
Engaged Sweeper III
That works great!
I was wondering if there's any ways to specify the OU we want it to look for?

Example :


Division 1


Division 2


Division 3


I'd like to create a report which would look only for Division 2 in the Company, is that even possible?

Thank you again, very appreciated!
Lansweeper Alumni
You can get this by counting the number of AD accounts created per month. In order to get precise numbers, be sure to have set up Domain User Scanning for the OU of your user accounts. Save the report below under a name beginning with "Chart: ..." and use it in a Chart report widget.

Select Top 1000000 Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated)) As month,
Count(tblADusers.ADObjectID) As number
From tblADusers
Where tblADusers.whenCreated > GetDate() - 365
Group By Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated))

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