You can get this by counting the number of AD accounts created per month. In order to get precise numbers, be sure to have set up
Domain User Scanning for the OU of your user accounts. Save the report below under a name beginning with "Chart: ..." and use it in a
Chart report widget.
Select Top 1000000 Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated)) As month,
Count(tblADusers.ADObjectID) As number
From tblADusers
Where tblADusers.whenCreated > GetDate() - 365
Group By Str(DatePart(year, tblADusers.whenCreated)) + ' / ' +
Str(DatePart(month, tblADusers.whenCreated))