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Engaged Sweeper III
Hello community,

is it possible to remove a specific asset from the Error lists (Error: WMI access denied, Error: RPC Server unavailable, OS: Never scanned OS)?
We have some assets that couldn't be scanned and this is ok so. But I like to remove them from the lists so they only shows the "real" errors and thus be more remarkable. I already set them up in the "Windows Computer Scan Exclusions" section.

Lansweeper Alumni
pskup wrote:
Ok, asset groups won't work.

The report shows the assets multiple times (a row for every assigned asset group) and only skip the rows with "Scan unnecessary" asset group. Obviously this can't work.

This just means that the reports weren't edited correctly. You can edit the reports and add the below to the Criteria column for the tblAssets.AssetID or tblErrors.AssetID expression to exclude a specific asset group. Replace YourGroup with the name of the asset group you wish to exclude from the report.
Not In (Select Top 1000000 tblAssetGroupLink.AssetID
From tblAssetGroupLink
Inner Join tblAssetGroups On tblAssetGroups.AssetGroupID =
Where tblAssetGroups.AssetGroup = 'YourGroup')

If you are interested in building or modifying reports, we would recommend:
  • Reviewing some SQL tutorials, as the Lansweeper report builder uses standard SQL queries. This seems like a good tutorial.
  • Updating to Lansweeper 5.2, if you haven't already. Lansweeper 5.2 includes a database dictionary, which is linked at the top of the report builder.

View solution in original post

Engaged Sweeper III
@ Susan.A:

Engaged Sweeper III
@ Susan.A:

Thanks I will have a look at this. Sounds more sophisticated. I think using asset groups is more comprehensible by others.
Engaged Sweeper III
Solved it this way:

I used the Custom1 field of the assets and inserted:
Scan unnecessary

I add the Custom field to the error report and filtered:
Custom1 <> 'Scan unnecessary'

I add a new report (to keep track) showing all assets with:
Custom1 = 'Scan unnecessary'

Works for me
Lansweeper Alumni
pskup wrote:
Ok, asset groups won't work.

The report shows the assets multiple times (a row for every assigned asset group) and only skip the rows with "Scan unnecessary" asset group. Obviously this can't work.

This just means that the reports weren't edited correctly. You can edit the reports and add the below to the Criteria column for the tblAssets.AssetID or tblErrors.AssetID expression to exclude a specific asset group. Replace YourGroup with the name of the asset group you wish to exclude from the report.
Not In (Select Top 1000000 tblAssetGroupLink.AssetID
From tblAssetGroupLink
Inner Join tblAssetGroups On tblAssetGroups.AssetGroupID =
Where tblAssetGroups.AssetGroup = 'YourGroup')

If you are interested in building or modifying reports, we would recommend:
  • Reviewing some SQL tutorials, as the Lansweeper report builder uses standard SQL queries. This seems like a good tutorial.
  • Updating to Lansweeper 5.2, if you haven't already. Lansweeper 5.2 includes a database dictionary, which is linked at the top of the report builder.
Engaged Sweeper III
Ok, asset groups won't work.

The report shows the assets multiple times (a row for every assigned asset group) and only skip the rows with "Scan unnecessary" asset group. Obviously this can't work.
Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks for your quick answer.

Then it must be possible to change the query to exclude an specific asset group. Isn't it?

This would make it possible to keep track of the not scanned assets (all assigned to a special group). Otherwise you had to look into the query for an overview of excluded assets.
Champion Sweeper III
You can edit the report and add a condition to the query.

Where assetname not like 'yourasset' and assetname not like 'yourasset2'

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