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Champion Sweeper
At the moment i've got a report as below.

Select Distinct Top 1000000 co1.Computername, co1.Computer, co1.Username, cs1.Manufacturer, cs1.Model, csp1.IdentifyingNumber As [Serial Number], cpu.Name As [Processor Model], cpu.MaxClockSpeed As [CPU (MHz)], cs1.NumberOfProcessors As Cores, os1.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024 As [Memory  (MB)], os1.Caption As [Operating System], os1.CSDVersion As [Service Pack], co1.LastknownIP As [IP Address], co1.Lastseen As [Last Seen] From tblComputers co1 Left Outer Join tblOperatingSystem os1 On (co1.Computername = os1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystemProduct csp1 On (co1.Computername = csp1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystem cs1 On (co1.Computername = cs1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDisplayControllerConfiguration dcc On (co1.Computername = dcc.Computername) Left Outer Join tblProcessor cpu On (co1.Computername = cpu.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDiskDrives dsk On (co1.Computername = dsk.Computername) Inner Join tblNetwork On co1.Computername = tblNetwork.Computername Where dsk.Caption Like 'C:' And dsk.Description Like '%fixed disk%' And tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway = '' Or tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway = ''

Is it possible to change wildcard on the third octet of the Default IP Gateway e.g. 10.70.x.254 and 10.71.x.254
Lansweeper Alumni
You can try this

Select Distinct Top 1000000 co1.Computername, co1.Computer, co1.Username, cs1.Manufacturer, cs1.Model, csp1.IdentifyingNumber As [Serial Number], cpu.Name As [Processor Model], cpu.MaxClockSpeed As [CPU (MHz)], cs1.NumberOfProcessors As Cores, os1.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024 As [Memory (MB)], os1.Caption As [Operating System], os1.CSDVersion As [Service Pack], co1.LastknownIP As [IP Address], co1.Lastseen As [Last Seen] From tblComputers co1 Left Outer Join tblOperatingSystem os1 On (co1.Computername = os1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystemProduct csp1 On (co1.Computername = csp1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystem cs1 On (co1.Computername = cs1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDisplayControllerConfiguration dcc On (co1.Computername = dcc.Computername) Left Outer Join tblProcessor cpu On (co1.Computername = cpu.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDiskDrives dsk On (co1.Computername = dsk.Computername) Inner Join tblNetwork On co1.Computername = tblNetwork.Computername Where dsk.Caption Like 'C:' And dsk.Description Like '%fixed disk%' And tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway like '10.70.%.254' Or tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway like '10.71.%.254'

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Since this is a very old report it is still using old database tables which have been renamed and/or changed.

The following tables (from the current build) are used:
  • The default SQL (in the report builder)
  • tblProcessor
  • tblPhysicalMemory
  • tblOperatingsystem
  • tblDiskDrives
  • tblNetwork
If you are just interested in the Default IP Gateway you can still use the same % wildcard.
Engaged Sweeper II
When I try and run this report I get the following error:

Invalid SELECT statement. Unknown object name: "co1".: Unexpected token "co1" at line 0, column -1

Is there a newer version of this?
Lansweeper Alumni
You can try this

Select Distinct Top 1000000 co1.Computername, co1.Computer, co1.Username, cs1.Manufacturer, cs1.Model, csp1.IdentifyingNumber As [Serial Number], cpu.Name As [Processor Model], cpu.MaxClockSpeed As [CPU (MHz)], cs1.NumberOfProcessors As Cores, os1.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1024 As [Memory (MB)], os1.Caption As [Operating System], os1.CSDVersion As [Service Pack], co1.LastknownIP As [IP Address], co1.Lastseen As [Last Seen] From tblComputers co1 Left Outer Join tblOperatingSystem os1 On (co1.Computername = os1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystemProduct csp1 On (co1.Computername = csp1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblComputerSystem cs1 On (co1.Computername = cs1.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDisplayControllerConfiguration dcc On (co1.Computername = dcc.Computername) Left Outer Join tblProcessor cpu On (co1.Computername = cpu.Computername) Left Outer Join tblDiskDrives dsk On (co1.Computername = dsk.Computername) Inner Join tblNetwork On co1.Computername = tblNetwork.Computername Where dsk.Caption Like 'C:' And dsk.Description Like '%fixed disk%' And tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway like '10.70.%.254' Or tblNetwork.DefaultIPGateway like '10.71.%.254'