The following report will give you an overview per team of all closed tickets, the 'Closed on time' tickets and the calculated percentage.
htblteams.teamname as team,
totalTickets.totalCount as [All Closed Tickets],
onTimeTickets.onTimeCount as [All Closed on Time],
CONVERT(DECIMAL(16,2), ((onTimeTickets.onTimeCount * 1.0)/ (totalTickets.totalCount * 1.0)))*100 as [Percentage]
from htblteams
inner join
(Select htblticketteam.teamid as teamIdAll, COUNT(htblticket.ticketId) as totalCount from htblticket
inner join htblticketteam on htblticketteam.ticketid = htblticket.ticketid
Where slaresolved is not null and ticketstateid = 1
group by htblticketteam.teamid) as totalTickets on totalTickets.teamIdAll = htblteams.teamid
inner join
(Select htblticketteam.teamid as teamIdOnTime, sum((CASE WHEN lastCloseDate.mdate < slaresolved then 0 when lastCloseDate.mdate = '1900-01-01 00:01:00.000' then 1 else 1 end)) as onTimeCount
from htblticket inner join (select max(date) as mdate, ticketId as mticket from htblhistory where ticketstateid = 1 group by ticketId) as lastCloseDate on lastCloseDate.mticket = htblticket.ticketid
inner join htblticketteam on htblticketteam.ticketid = htblticket.ticketid
Where slaresolved is not null
group by htblticketteam.teamid) as onTimeTickets on onTimeTickets.teamIdOnTime = htblteams.teamid