The following report lists you AD users which were not detected to be logged on to any computer in the last 60 days.
Note: Lansweeper creates an entry in
tblCPlogoninfo if during scanning a user is logged on to a computer. If a user has logged on and off while the computer wasn't scanned, Lansweeper will not generate a logon event. In order to make this report reliable, we recommend creating a scheduled task on your client computers which executes
LsPush.exe after logon and immediately scans the computer.
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username,
From tblADusers
Where tblADusers.Username Not In (Select tblCPlogoninfo.Username
From tblCPlogoninfo Where tblCPlogoninfo.logontime > GetDate() - 60)
Order By tblADusers.Username