Hi all,
I thought this could be something interesting to share, although it's not a real out of the box solution... 😁
Of course, we're a big fan of Esben's monthly Patch Tuesday reports. But sometimes, critical (eg. industrial) systems can't be patched that easily. In that case, it's interesting to know what patch level these systems currently have.
You can look up all installed KB's manually, and try to locate the last installed security hotfix. But why would you do that, if you can automate it 🙂
To make a long story short, we developed a powershell script that grabs the hotfix information from Microsoft's RSS Feed. The resulting CSV file, we import in a user defined newly created Lansweeper table (on your own risk!). Lastly we wrote a report that shows us the 'patch tuesday date' of the last installed security hotfix. See my example below:

All scripts can be found in attached zip file.
PS: Don't forget to backup your DB before doing any DB changes 😉