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Engaged Sweeper
I am looking for a way to run a report or scan a file that is created in a dynamic folder. The folder could be named anything starting with 0-1 or a-f. is there a way to check for a static file that is listed within that directory. somethings that I have used was something like this

((tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\1%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\2%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\3%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\4%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\5%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\6%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\7%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\8%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\9%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\0%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\A%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\B%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\C%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\D%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\E%' And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like
'C:\Windows\F%') And
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull Like '%something%')

is there a possible solution for this request. thanks