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05-04-2021 11:39 PM
07-02-2021 09:29 PM
07-02-2021 07:57 PM
07-02-2021 04:23 PM
If your entry have date and time functions, then the standard"Select Convert(VarChar(10), htblticket.date, 103) As CreationDate"might leave the first character in the time portion IF your date starts with a zero (0).
What I was seeing with 06/03/2021 11:15:02AM for example, the report was showing 06/03/2021 1, the last 1 being part of the time variable.
GetDate() AS RightNow,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 103) AS Trimmed103,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 103) AS NoTrim_103,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 110) AS Trimmed110,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 110) AS NoTrim_110,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 121) AS Trimmed121,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 121) AS NoTrim_121
RightNow 2021-07-02 08:01:18.983
Trimmed103 02/07/2021
NoTrim_103 02/07/2021
Trimmed110 07-02-2021
NoTrim_110 07-02-2021
Trimmed121 2021-07-02
NoTrim_121 2021-07-02 08:01:18.983
07-01-2021 01:38 AM
"Select Convert(VarChar(10), htblticket.date, 103) As CreationDate"might leave the first character in the time portion IF your date starts with a zero (0).
Convert(varchar(10),Cast([Ordered Date].data As date),110) As [Ordered Date]
06-15-2021 10:04 PM
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