If your entry have date and time functions, then the standard
"Select Convert(VarChar(10), htblticket.date, 103) As CreationDate"
might leave the first character in the time portion IF your date starts with a zero (0).
What I was seeing with 06/03/2021 11:15:02AM for example, the report was showing 06/03/2021 1, the last 1 being part of the time variable.
That should not be the case.
Per the Convert() documentation, and confirmed by what I see when I do the select, date format 103 produces zero-padded day and month values. Applying the function to your example 06/03/2021 11:15:02AM will produce "06/03/2021".
The maximum length of 10 specified on the VarChar returns up to 10 characters from the 103-format string. "06/03/2021 1" is 12 characters; that would be chopped off after the first 10. The only way I can think of that you would see extra characters is if your instance of SQL Server isn't zero-padding the day and month, i.e. it's returning "6/3/2021" instead of the expected "06/03/2021".
On top of all that, the 103 format only returns the date, no time, so even if your configuration fails to zero-pad the day and time, there would only be 8-to-10 characters returned. I have no idea where the extra " 1" might be coming from.
GetDate() AS RightNow,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 103) AS Trimmed103,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 103) AS NoTrim_103,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 110) AS Trimmed110,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 110) AS NoTrim_110,
Convert(VarChar(10), GetDate(), 121) AS Trimmed121,
Convert(VarChar , GetDate(), 121) AS NoTrim_121
RightNow 2021-07-02 08:01:18.983
Trimmed103 02/07/2021
NoTrim_103 02/07/2021
Trimmed110 07-02-2021
NoTrim_110 07-02-2021
Trimmed121 2021-07-02
NoTrim_121 2021-07-02 08:01:18.983
From some quick Googling, zero-padded day and month when using Convert() appears to be normal. The only results I found without zero-padded values involved people going out of their way to remove the 0s after doing the Convert().