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‎04-30-2009 10:20 PM
‎05-01-2009 10:52 PM
‎05-01-2009 10:00 PM
‎05-01-2009 09:58 PM
‎05-01-2009 09:51 PM
‎05-01-2009 12:01 AM
‎05-01-2009 09:25 AM
jcorso11 wrote:
and is there anyway to show show computers with AV too old. Using Symantec.
‎05-01-2009 12:00 AM
‎05-01-2009 09:21 AM
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Web30computers
(@domain varchar(80))
AS SELECT dbo.tblComputers.Computername, ISNULL(dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Description, '') AS thedescription, dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Caption AS OS,
CASE ISNULL(dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Description, 'NOT SCANNED') WHEN 'NOT SCANNED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Notscanned,
CAST(dbo.web30ProcessorCapacity.NrOfProcessors AS varchar) + ' * ' + CAST(dbo.web30ProcessorCapacity.MaxClockSpeed AS varchar)
+ ' Mhz' AS Processor, CAST(CAST(CAST(dbo.tblComputersystem.TotalPhysicalMemory AS bigint) / 1024 / 1024 AS NUMERIC) AS varchar)
+ ' MB' AS Memory, dbo.tblComputers.Lastseen, dbo.tblComputers.Username, dbo.tblComputers.LastknownIP,
FROM dbo.tblComputers INNER JOIN
dbo.web30repallcompstates ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.web30repallcompstates.Computername LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.web30ProcessorCapacity ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.web30ProcessorCapacity.Computername LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblComputersystem ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblComputersystem.Computername LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblOperatingsystem ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Computername
WHERE (dbo.tblComputers.Domain LIKE @domain)
ORDER BY dbo.tblComputers.Computername
‎04-30-2009 11:35 PM
when you click digital dashboard, then a domain, is it possible to list machines the way they are, but also with the username field showing that information.
In addition, the high priority list on the pcs, for example, no F-Secure installed!?!?! Can we change those things. Som e of the built in reporting isnt useful to us.
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