So ive followed the examples given here and created a report / query to see the status of NOD32 here's the sql code below, I keep forcing scans and viewing the table and all values are null anyone have any ideas? Do spaces matter when scanning for files? ive set all days to zero so it always scans thx!
' This is a sample report that checks all computers if they have the latest version of NOD32 Anti-Virus
' The file that we need to check : %programfiles%\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\egui.exe
' Create the query to check for the latest version
' the latest version of our software is 3.0.642.0
CREATE VIEW dbo.web30repnotlatestnod32
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.tblComputers.Computername AS Computer, dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Description, dbo.tblFileVersions.FileVersion, dbo.tblFileVersions.FileDescription, dbo.tblFileVersions.Filesize, dbo.tblFileVersions.Lastchanged
FROM dbo.tblComputers INNER JOIN
dbo.tblOperatingsystem ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Computername LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblFileVersions ON dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblFileVersions.Computername
WHERE (dbo.tblFileVersions.FilePathfull LIKE '%egui%') AND (NOT (dbo.tblFileVersions.FileVersion LIKE '3.0.642.0'))
ORDER BY dbo.tblComputers.Computername
'Add the view to the reports table
INSERT INTO [tsysreports] ([Reportquery],[Reporttitle]) VALUES ('web30repnotlatestnod32','Not the latest NOD32 Anti-Virus version')
' Add the file that we need to scan to the tsysfiles table
' you can do the same from the GUI interface
INSERT INTO dbo.TsysFiles
(Searchfile, Enabled)
VALUES ('%programfiles%\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\egui.exe', 1)