I cannot get the last query to return results. Could there be an issue with the query below not being written in English?
Select Top 1000000 a.SortOrder, e.Computer, e.IP, b.OS, c.Architektur, d.TotalCores, f.Memory, a.Funktionen, b.icon, a.Computername, a.Umgebung From (Select tblCompCustom.Computername, tblCompCustom.Custom8 As Funktionen, tblCompCustom.Custom9 As Umgebung, tblCompCustom.Custom7 As SortOrder From tblCompCustom Where tblCompCustom.Custom7 > ' ') a Left Outer Join (Select Web40OSName.OSname As OS, Web40OSName.Compimage As icon, Web40OSName.Computername From Web40OSName) b On a.Computername = b.Computername Left Outer Join (Select tblComputersystem.SystemType As Architektur, tblComputersystem.Computername From tblComputersystem) c On a.Computername = c.Computername Left Outer Join (Select Distinct a.Computername, IsNull(a.NumberOfCores, 0) As CoresperSocket, b.NrOfProcessors As Sockets, IsNull(a.NumberOfCores, 1) * b.NrOfProcessors As TotalCores From tblPROCESSOR a, web40ProcessorCapacity b Where a.Computername = b.Computername) d On a.Computername = d.Computername Left Outer Join (Select tblcomputers.Computer, tblcomputers.Computername, tblcomputers.LastknownIP As IP From tblcomputers) e On a.Computername = e.Computername Left Outer Join (Select Cast(Cast(tblComputersystem.TotalPhysicalMemory As bigint) / 1048576 As numeric) As Memory, tblComputersystem.Computername From tblComputersystem) f On a.Computername = f.Computername Order By a.SortOrder