Hello,I am new here and also new in LANSweeper. Can someone help me create a report on how to identify machine which doesn't have Trend Micro Disk Encryption installed? We are using Windows 7, 8 (both 64bit) on our environment.We are also using MAC O...
I would like help with creating a report that shows:All new tickets opened in the previous calendar day (Example, if I ran the report Thursday, it would show me all Wednesdays tickets)The Agent the ticket is assigned toWhich user it concerns (Who req...
Hello,I'm looking for a report that could generate information about devices connected to each computer in our domain. I've recently found a SQL query on these forums which allowed me to pull accurate information on USB/Local printers installed on ea...
Hey All;I poked around some of the canned reports and also searched here, but havent found a report that will give me the CPU / Core count on all physicals being HyperV, Windows , Linux, VMware etc...Some of the report I tried to create dont work rig...
Hello,I would like to create a report which has the following field if possible:DomainManufacturer REPLACE (CS.Manufacturer0, 'System manufacturer', 'Assembled') AS Manufacturer0, REPLACE (CS.Model0 , 'System Product Name' , 'Assembled')AS Model0, ...
Hello, I am attempting to modify a built in report (then save as a new report) Computer: Mac Address listI am having difficulties narrowing the report down to list just systems whose names begin with BRSP.I am sure it is something simple... but for t...
I'm a bit baffled by the fact that even though I specifically say I do not want to see records with a tblAssetCustom.Custom2 field like %retired%, I still get items with "Retired" in that field. Here's the report:Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,...