When you click on a VMware ESXi host currently towards the bottom it shows a report like the picture that I have attached
I have written the following report to grab VMware Guest details which I want to show from all of my VMware ESXi's that are being scanned, however, how do I make the green up/down dot show and how do I make the VMware Guest name a link to the object if it exists in Lansweeper as shown in the picture?
Select Top 1000000 tblVmwareGuest.Name As Guest,
Ceiling(tblVmwareGuest.Memory / 1024) As [Memory (GB)],
tblVmwareGuest.IsRunning As State,
Case When tblVmwareGuest.IsRunning = 'poweredOff' Then 'red'
End As foregroundcolor,
tblAssets.AssetName As [ESXi Name]
From tblVmwareGuest
Inner Join tblAssets On tblAssets.AssetID = tblVmwareGuest.AssetID
Where tblVmwareGuest.Name Not Like 'hmcvm%'
Order By Guest