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Engaged Sweeper

We have renamed scan server post that reports and scanning not working how to fix this

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support



If you are changing the hostname of a scanning server then you will need to take some things into account. When you change the hostname, you will need to run some database scripts, as you will have a duplicate scanning server otherwise like you do now. Scanning servers are identified by their hostname and added to your database upon successful connection. 


We recommend doing the following steps: 

  • Stop the Lansweeper Server service (scanning service) in Windows Services on your server.
  • Execute the script below in the Script Execution tab of the database maintenance tool (Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Tools\DatabaseMaintenance.exe). Replace newserver with the new NetBIOS name of your server and oldserver with the old NetBIOS name. Just to be safe, we recommend backing up your database prior to running any scripts. Backup instructions can be found here:  https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/backing-up-your-installation/
  • Start the Lansweeper Server service again. 

 delete from tsysasservers where servername = 'newserver'
    update tsysasservers set servername='newserver' where servername ='oldserver'
    update tblassets set scanserver='newserver' where scanserver='oldserver'