Learn how to enable warranty tracking on Lansweeper Sites for Dell, Fujitsu, IBM, Lenovo, and Toshiba.
Lansweeper Sites (in the cloud) can track warranty information for assets from the following manufacturers:
- Dell
- Fujitsu
- Lenovo
- Toshiba
When warranty tracking is enabled, Lansweeper scans your assets to determine the manufacturer, model, serial number, and in some cases, the system SKU. It then connects to the manufacturer’s website to download the asset warranty information, such as:
- Purchase date
- Warranty expiration date
- Ship date
- Purchase country
- Purchased warranty products
Warranty tracking can only be enabled on one scan server in your installation.
To enable warranty tracking:
- Ensure your server has internet connection to the following URLs:
- In your Lansweeper Site, go to Configuration > Server options.
- Select the scan server that you want to enable warranty tracking on.
- Navigate to the Warranty tracking section.
- Under Enable warranty tracking on the server, select the toggle to turn it to Yes.
- Select Save changes.
- To scan your asset warranties automatically, select Rescan all asset warranties now.
Assets that have warranty tracking available are added to the scanning queue.
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