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on 08-06-2024 10:59 AM - edited 3 weeks ago
This page covers some frequently asked questions regarding Lansweeper's IT Agent Discovery.
Lansweeper's IT Agent Discovery is a lightweight, cross-platform scanning agent that can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac computers. If you'd like to know more about IT Agent Discovery, head on over to Install IT Agent Discovery.
Yes, we've extended the linking code duration, so you can choose how long a single linking code should remain valid (1 day, 1 month, 3 months).To create a new linking code:
We've observed that this process may run slower on certain machines. The slowdown could be due to factors such as a slow hard disk, low memory, or limited CPU resources. We are currently investigating the root cause of this issue.To resolve this message during the installation:
or copy-paste the location in the navigation bar.When the installer terminates with an exit code during the pre-installation phase, no actions have been executed with no files or changes left behind.In the event the installer terminates during the installation, a rollback will occur and no files or changes will be left behind.The ranges are the following:
Exit Code | Description | Position |
0 | The installer finished with success. | |
20-39 | Issues regarding OS, installer, or current installation. | Pre-installation |
20 | Another installation is already in progress. Please finish that installation before starting a new one. | |
21 | This installer is being run on an unsupported operating system. Please update your OS if possible. | |
22 | The existing installation is newer than the version you want to install. Installer will be closed. | |
40-59 | Issues regarding user input. | Pre-installation |
40 | You must accept the terms of use before continuing with the installation. Please use the accepteula parameter for this. | |
41 | A valid linking code to your Lansweeper Site is required to continue. Please use the cloudtoken parameter for this. | |
42 | A valid proxy configuration is required to continue with the installation. Please use both the proxyserver and proxyport parameters (or none). | |
43 | A valid proxy port is required to continue with the installation. Please use the proxyport parameter correctly. | |
44 | No module was selected to be installed. Installer will be closed. | |
60-79 | Issues during the installation (installation will be rolled back). | Installation |
60 | PowerShell script execution is not enabled on your computer. Ensure your computer is configured to allow PowerShell script execution. | |
61 | A link to your Lansweeper Site could not be made. (IT Agent only) |
62 | A required component service could not be started. | |
80-99 | Warnings during installation (installation will be kept). | Installation |
80 | The installation succeeded but a link to your Lansweeper Site could not be made. (Network Discovery only) |
. Currently, the IT Agent installer has all the core next-generation discovery components, resulting in a bigger installer.To cater to mass deployments over metered connections, we're looking into decreasing the size by stripping redundant parts and keeping only those required for local computer scanning.
IT Agent performs a daily scan of the computer it’s installed on. You can change this frequency of 24 hours in your Lansweeper Site. For detailed instructions, see Configure IT Agent Discovery.
IT Agent performs a rescan every 24 hours by default.You can also force a scan using the API. For more information on using the API, see Perform actions | Documentation.
As many as you like, there's no limit.
Yes, you can:
We’re remapping all data to a universal data model. As we’re doing this in phases, you’ll only see certain data sections available on the asset page.Currently, these sections are available:
This list is continuously being extended.
Auto update is enabled by default in an 8 hour time window varying between 08:00 am and 06:00 pm. Though not recommended, you can still disable the auto-update behavior after installation by running the following command on the machine running IT Agent:
sc config "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Update service" start= disabled sc stop "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Update service"
You can also disable auto-updates for specific groups in your Lansweeper Site by following these steps:
This will prevent the group's Discovery Systems from applying updates automatically, although currently, updates will still be downloaded.To block downloads entirely in the meantime, you can block outgoing connections by executing the following steps:
nslookup download.lansweeper.com
This should return:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block auto-update Lansweeper" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block auto-update Lansweeper" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block auto-update Lansweeper" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block auto-update Lansweeper" dir=out action=block remoteip= enable=yes
This will still allow access to discovery-gateway.lansweeper.com, which is needed for data synchronization.Please note that your Lansweeper Site requires a minimum version of IT Agent to maintain synchronization. To that end, we recommend to re-enabling the auto-update feature when possible.
Yes, you can:
After unlinking, IT Agent will continue to scan, and will keep trying to send its data to your Lansweeper Site. To avoid this from happening, we recommend you uninstall the IT Agent on the machine it was installed on. We’re looking to automate this process so you don’t have to manually uninstall IT Agents you no longer want to track.When doing an auto uninstall of the IT Agent on Linux, it won't delete the new user and group added as its required to correctly remove the other data. You can still cleanup this user and group manually.
We like to promote centralized management from within your Lansweeper Site. When you decide to unlink the IT Agent installation, we plan on auto-uninstalling IT Agent to keep a clean system.If you still do a manual uninstall on the machine itself, we could go for a global option in your Lansweeper Site that auto-archives installations of type IT Agent and/or IT and keeps/deletes data.Currently, unlinking from your Lansweeper Site means the asset data is also removed but we plan on offering you the option to choose whether or not to keep the data when unlinking the IT Agent from your Lansweeper Site.
No, scan exclusions only apply to scan servers (and indirectly LsAgent installations) from Lansweeper On-prem installations.
For Network Discovery, IP address or range exclusions can be set up within each agentless discovery action.
Some ports may not be open, or specific access might be missing between your sensor and the asset.
To verify if a port is not open, or if access is missing:
The result will appear in Discovery results where you can for instance compare the open ports to this list, to see if any required ports are missing.
If you are using Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery, Network Discovery, or Cloud Discovery in your Lansweeper Site, you may encounter warning messages when you approach or exceed your license limit.
While assets discovered through these Discovery systems are counted toward your licensed asset total, exceeding the limit will not immediately restrict access to insights—this will only happen once our Lansweeper Site subscription process is finalized.
Yes, you can but be aware duplicates are still likely to occur.
Please refer to the next section for guidance on managing duplicates when using both Lansweeper On-premises and Lansweeper Discovery within the same site.
In this hybrid scenario where you use Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery, Network Discovery, or Cloud Discovery together with Lansweeper On-premises in a single Lansweeper Site, we recommend either of the following options:
If the above is not an option:
Download the latest IT Agent installer for Windows from "https://app.lansweeper.com > Scanning > Discovery systems > Downloads/packages" and save the following code as a ITAgentCleanup.bat.
@echo off :: BatchGotAdmin :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" set params = %*:"="" echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- :: Uninstall Lansweeper IT Agent "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery\uninstall.exe" --mode unattended :: Sleep for x seconds to continue TIMEOUT /T 300 :: Ensure lingering services are stopped and removed sc stop "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Hub Service" sc delete "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Hub Service" sc stop "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Sensor Service" sc delete "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Sensor Service" sc stop "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Update Service" sc delete "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery Update Service" :: Sleep for x seconds to continue TIMEOUT /T 60 :: Delete default install directory del /S "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery\*" :: Cleanup first reg location for /f "delims=" %%a in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lansweeper" ^| find "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery"') do (set "regs=%%a") echo %regs% reg delete "%regs%" /f :: Cleanup second reg location for /f "delims=" %%a in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" ^| find "Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery"') do (set "regs=%%a") echo %regs% reg delete "%regs%" /f :: Reinstall Lansweeper IT Agent :: Todo: in the following line, correct the path to the actual location of the installer and also the cloudtokenvalue from your LS Site in https://app.lansweeper.com > Scanning > Discovery systems > Link discovery system. After doing so, uncomment the last line (removing the ::) and run this file :: C:\Temp\Lansweeper-IT-agent-discovery-0.23.2-windows-x64-installer.exe --mode unattended --accepteula 1 --path "C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery" --cloudtoken cloudtokenvalue
Edit the last line in a text editor and run it on your computer.
.NET8 is a dependency for IT Agent on Linux, Windows and macOS. The installer flow handles the dependency automatically as a self-contained package.
Ensure the computer on which you’re running the installer is allowed to use curl to make outbound connections to these URLs. Install IT Agent Discovery - Lansweeper Community. Ensure C:\Program Files\Lansweeper IT Agent Discovery\resources\curl.exe
is allowed by Microsoft Defender and isn’t blocked by Attack Surface Reduction configuration.
sudo ps -aux | less
on LinuxYes, it updates automatically using your Linux package manager, such as apt or yum. For more information on automating updates and upgrades, you can refer to resources such as apt - Automate Updates and Upgrade.
This error occurs when the environment variable TMP or TEMP refers to a path that doesn’t exist. To resolve the issue, update the environment variable to point to a valid directory:
and press Enter to open System Properties.C:\Windows\Temp
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