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Engaged Sweeper
All, I'm having a problem with my Lansweeper installation. Everything works fine when I log into a machine as an administrator. When users login to their computers, the database is not being populated with their information. While troubleshooting, I manually launched lsclient.exe on a computer logged in as a user from a command prompt. I recieve an "Access Denied" message. When I do the same thing while logged in as an admin, everything works and the machine is added to the database.

Any idea what is causing this?
Engaged Sweeper
Got it fixed. When I was checking permissions, I was checking the permissions on the netlogon folder, not the lsclient file. The NTFS permissions for the file did not include users at all. I changed that and now it works.

I originally extracted the files to my desktop. I copied lsclient.exe from my desktop to the netlogon folder. Since they are on the same NTFS drive, the file did not inherit the folder's permissions.

Geez, an nice install routine for this software would be great. Thanks for you help!
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you try copying the lsclient somewhere else and run it from there?
Lansweeper Alumni
You need to add registry access logging and file system logging and maybe do a filter for \\vneserver\
Engaged Sweeper
that didn't seem to help much. I don't know much about using Process Monitor. Stuff was scrolling by so fast that I turned off Registry access logging and file system access logging. In any case, lsclient.exe never showed up in the list. did, but nothing useful came of it.
Lansweeper Alumni
Just start process monitor and then try to run lsclient like you did before.

Then you can review the log of process monitor to see what gives the access denied error.
Engaged Sweeper
Where should I execute process monitor and where should I run lsclient at?
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you use "Process monitor" from to check for access denied errors while running the lsclient.exe script.
Engaged Sweeper
Share Permissions for Everyone are set to 'Full'.
NTFS Permissions are set to 'Full' for admins and 'Read & Execute', 'Read', & 'List Folder Contents' for Authenticated Users.
Lansweeper Alumni
Your user doesn't have access to the netlogon folder to execute lsclient.exe.
Could you check if the share permissions and file permissions are ok please.


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