
This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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Forum Posts

Batch commands over report fileds

Well I would love to have this and I know it may not be easy so I give some details of my ideas to explain the purpose of such request.I have sometimes the need according to some reports I build (or even using existing reports) to perform batch opera...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Custom fields

How can I add custom fields such as location,department, purchase date, etc...Thanks,Elton Pimentel.

Breiko by Engaged Sweeper
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AD Computer information

LS Pro is, for the most part, a vast improvement over 2.1, but one feature now missing that was really important and helpful was the AD information from computers. We used the AD computer description to store the name of the primary user of the comp...

Dimensio by Engaged Sweeper
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Read/Store contents of text file

One feature we use from BGInfo that is missing from Lansweeper is the ability to read/store the contents of a text file. This is useful for manging applications that still use ini files rather than the registry...

76012 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Asset Audit Trail

Is there somewhere within a specific asset where you can view what items were updated and/or which person made those changes?For example, we use many of the custom fields to populate information such as when an asset was deployed, the invoice number ...

rcoy64 by Engaged Sweeper
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Insert/Import Assets via Scripts

I'm looking for the most supported way to insert new assets into lansweeper via scripts. since there is no API for assets, i'd prefer not to do it directly via SQL unless there is a published method that they document on how to do this. my other thou...

gdavid by Champion Sweeper
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SNMP was not scanned, but existing record has SNMP info.

Hello,we work with Lansweeper Version an few weeks i got this error of devices, which are scanned witout errors before.This devices are Switches, Pronters etc...PING is without errors and I can reach the devices with HTTP/HTTPS.If I s...

Lindner by Engaged Sweeper III
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