I know doing WOL across subnets is annoying, but I thought of a way to use the existing WOL program and psexec to make a batch file that would select a remote machine based on the IP address of the target machine to remote exec the wol.exe from that ...
To run any of the reports found in the report center, do the following:Open the report builder in the Lansweeper web console under Reports/Create New Report.Paste the SQL query (report) found in the report center at the bottom of the page, replacing ...
All scanned power changes of the active assets limited to the last week.These are the events the uptime calendar in the web console asset summary page is based on.Meets all the following criteria:- Lastseen in last week- Last power change in last wee...
List of active windows assets where antivirus software is disabledMeets all of the following criteria:- Windows asset- Active assetSorted on:- Asset nameSelect Top 1000000 (tblAssets.AssetID), tblAssets.AssetName, tsysOS.OSname As OS, (tblAssets.I...
The report below lists AD users that do not have an email address associate to them.The report will only list users that meet all of the following criteria:User is scanned from Active DirectoryEmail field is empty or nullSelect Top 1000000 tblADusers...
This action connects to a remote computer with Tight VNC installed and automatically logs in using a predefined password.Action:{actionpath}tvnviewer.exe -host={smartname} -password=xxxxxxxx
Old name: Active directory: Computer has no company filled in (Built-in)The report below lists the Windows computers that have an empty company field in Active Directory.The report will only list assets that meet all of the following criteria:The ass...