What are the lastest versions of the software? I currently have the folliwng installed ---Service: Builder: Utility:
Is this where it's done?I have the free version install and we are considering purchasing the Managed Services license pack. We are a managed services company and support 20-25 different networks. I like the free version but it would be ideal not to ...
Lansweeper is installed and seems to be working. Computers that run lsclient.exe show up in the Lansweeper Configuration utility. With firefox and ie8 I can get to http://localhost:9524 and get the message "congradulations your lansweeper service i...
I am working on getting LanSweeper part of our Domain here at my company. My manager has asked if Lansweeper will work with a Novell Active Directory. I have not found much information on the forms and wondering if any could give some insight. Tha...
Hi,I have upgraded LanSweeper a couple of months ago from 3.2 to 3.5.1I have noticed that some of the computers are appearing twice in LANSweeper.I need to say that I use for on OU the Active scanning.For all other OU's I use the lsclient.exeThe PC's...
Hello,the sales company which is supports also germany could not answer my question about the contract.We would like to buy this premium version but we don't want to pay a rate every year.Is it posible to buy the premium version without paying a fee ...
I have tried typing the command in several different ways and it is not working. I have also reviewed the documentation. Can someone help mewith this? The information that I am using is:Server name: lanw01servtop of AD and domain name atcorp.af...