Vista Scanning
The two computers that it scanned on my network with Vista on it... did not get scanned... the computer is in red?
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The two computers that it scanned on my network with Vista on it... did not get scanned... the computer is in red?
I cannot find anything in the forums on this but I have installed the free version and besides some problems with certain machines not being scanned including vista. The product seems to work fine but have some questions as to all of the options bel...
I am new to LanSweeper but so far it seems very useful. One thing I'm looking for that doesn't seem to be working is the IP addresses assigned to the machine. Right now we just have it querying one server that has 3 dedicated static IPs on it. When I...
I am testing connection to the server through a VPN connection. What I have noticed is, I can run the client manually and it will connect to the server and it reports that it is there but not scanned. I have checked all firewall settings and the port...
Hi there Is there anyway of deleteing old records from the Lansweeper. For example if I rename a computer in Active directory make sure that it is visible on Lansweeper I seem not to be able to find a way to delete the old computer name which does no...
Hi,I am having trouble getting the user image to appear.Following the instructions I have put the image <username>.jpegin this locationC:\Program Files\lansweeper31\website\userpictures\netbios name of your domainWhat do I need to do next to link the...
For some reason the built-in action (e.g. ping, Remote Desktop, Computer Management, etc...) no longer work. I even unstalled and reinstalled Lansweeper.Please advise,Niles
Lansweeper 3.2 or 4.0 which next and when?