I bring this to work in IE7 and with the following action:
cmd.exe /K \\COMPUTER\SHARE\change_comp_desc.vbs {computer}
I must remove the cscript and must add /K to cmd.exe . You can also use /C instead of /K if you like to close the windows if the job is done.
After calling this in the browser I get the trust warning and be able to set the description on XPpro workstations and Win2K3 Server.
I test it on Win2K machines too. It seems that the script put the description in. I can fin it in the registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters]] in the key srvcomment. I remove my testcomputer from lansweeper, reboot my testcomputer to take effect of the changes and after booting I run lsclient again. The computer comes up in Lansweeper but the description field in Lansweeper is still empty.
/update 2
on some computer it begin to work. I'm not sure what blocks some of them. I will dig a little bit more.
Thanks for sharing this action