harringg wrote:
I'm seeing the same thing for one specific server. My other 5 servers all register correctly as servers/PCs. I'm running
Database schema: 17
Website version: 4032
This a new install of Lansweeper, it's reporting everything else correctly.
Here is my devicetester report:
xx.xxx.xxx.xx Ping OK
DNS Name: server5.mydomain.local
SNMP Not active or community name wrong
Port 135 is closed
Port 139 is open
Port 445 is open
Netbios UDP information not accessible
Computer: SERVER5
VersionMajor: 5
VersionMinor: 2
FTP port is closed
SMTP port is closed
SIP port 5060 is closed
HP jetdirect port 9100 is closed
SSH port 22 is closed
Scanning done!
An automatic procedure is used to make the distinction between “computers” and “devices” (printers, router, etc). You cannot manually change a machine’s type from device to computer or vice versa.
Lansweeper uses port 135 to determine whether a machine is a computer or a device. If port 135 is open, the machine is deemed a computer. If port 135 is closed, the machine is deemed a device.
Check Windows firewall and any third party firewalls on the affected machine. If a machine is misidentified, the solution is to open port 135, delete the "faulty" device entry from your database and rescan the machine. You can delete devices from your database by selecting them in your configuration console under Lansweeper\Scanned Devices and hitting the “Delete” button. If port 135 on the computer remains open, the device entry will not return.