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Engaged Sweeper
I am in need of a custom report that will give the following information:

i. system names
ii. operating system
iii. model
iv. manufacturer
v. serial number
vi. ip address
vii. installed hardware (processor, memory, disk)
viii. installed software (Microsoft office products, anti-virus)
ix. operating system patch levels

Engaged Sweeper
Thank you,

That got me really close. I added a few criteria to narrow the software it returns and my code is now working. Here is what it looks like:

Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique, tblComputers.Domain, Web40OSName.OSname, tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMajorVersion, web40CorrectMemory.Memory As Memory, Cast(Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As varchar) As [Disk size], web40ProcessorCapacity.NrOfProcessors, web40ProcessorCapacity.CPU, tblComputerSystemProduct.Name As Model, tblComputerSystemProduct.Vendor As Manufacturer, tblComputerSystemProduct.IdentifyingNumber As Serial, tblComputers.LastknownIP As [IP Address], tblSoftware.softwareName, tblSoftware.softwareVersion, tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher From tblComputers Inner Join tblDiskdrives On tblComputers.Computername = tblDiskdrives.Computername Left Outer Join web40ProcessorCapacity On tblComputers.Computername = web40ProcessorCapacity.Computername Inner Join web40ActiveComputers On tblComputers.Computername = web40ActiveComputers.Computername Inner Join web40CorrectMemory On web40CorrectMemory.Computername = tblComputers.Computername Inner Join Web40OSName On Web40OSName.Computername = tblComputers.Computername Inner Join tblComputerSystemProduct On tblComputers.Computername = tblComputerSystemProduct.Computername Left Join tblCompCustom On tblComputers.Computername = tblCompCustom.Computername Inner Join tblSoftware On tblComputers.Computername = tblSoftware.ComputerName Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On tblComputers.Computername = tblOperatingsystem.Computername Where (tblSoftware.softwareName Like '%mcaf%' Or tblSoftware.softwareName Like '%office%') And (tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher Like '%mc%' Or tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher Like '%mic%') And tblDiskdrives.Caption = 'c:' Order By dbo.tblComputers.Computername

Thanks again
Lansweeper Alumni
Please try the report below.

Select Distinct Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique, tblComputers.Domain, Web40OSName.OSname, tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMajorVersion, tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMinorVersion, tblComputers.Username, tblComputers.Userdomain, web40CorrectMemory.Memory As Memory, Cast(Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As varchar) As [Disk size], web40ProcessorCapacity.NrOfProcessors, web40ProcessorCapacity.CPU, tblComputerSystemProduct.Name As Model, tblComputerSystemProduct.Vendor As Manufacturer, tblComputerSystemProduct.IdentifyingNumber As Serial, tblComputers.LastknownIP As [IP Address], tblCompCustom.PurchaseDate, tblCompCustom.Warrantydate, tblSoftware.softwareName, tblSoftware.softwareVersion, tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher From tblComputers Inner Join tblDiskdrives On tblComputers.Computername = tblDiskdrives.Computername Left Outer Join web40ProcessorCapacity On tblComputers.Computername = web40ProcessorCapacity.Computername Inner Join web40ActiveComputers On tblComputers.Computername = web40ActiveComputers.Computername Inner Join web40CorrectMemory On web40CorrectMemory.Computername = tblComputers.Computername Inner Join Web40OSName On Web40OSName.Computername = tblComputers.Computername Inner Join tblComputerSystemProduct On tblComputers.Computername = tblComputerSystemProduct.Computername Left Join tblCompCustom On tblComputers.Computername = tblCompCustom.Computername Inner Join tblSoftware On tblComputers.Computername = tblSoftware.ComputerName Inner Join tblOperatingsystem On tblComputers.Computername = tblOperatingsystem.Computername Where tblDiskdrives.Caption = 'c:' Order By dbo.tblComputers.Computername


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