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Engaged Sweeper

Since the upgrade to Lansweeper 5 a default SSH-credentials has been added to the General Credentials. Some assetes shich as Oce Multifunctionals or HP ILO-boards have SSH onboard but I don't want to use it when scanning that asset.
Those assets also show up with errors (even if the other credentials work) and the 'Last Seen' property is no longer updated. In other words no way to know if there is a problem with the asset. The SSH-check ruins the status.

This was no problem met LS4 since by default SSH-credentials were never tested (neither manually nor scheduled)..
In LS4 I activated ssh-scanning in the IP Range scanning only when I needed it.

Can I delete/disable somehow the SSH-check from the General Credentials to avoid this ?

Best regards

Engaged Sweeper
FYI : I get this problem with some WiFi access points, HP ilo boards, Océ multifuncitonal printers and so on.

These gave no problems in Lansweeper 4.1 at all.
Engaged Sweeper
I did some tests.
I enabled "NO SSH" test on a particular IP range.
Nevertheless still get the error "Cannot connect to SSH Server".
"Global Credentials" is associated by default with each IPrange (and cannot be deleted) ad it contains a SSH-credential.
It is clear now that enabling "no SSH" on a IPrange has no effect at all.
I cannot disable SSH on these specific assets as it is provided for support engineers so that's no option.

Is there really no way to get rid off the SSH-credential in het "Global Credentials" ?
Lansweeper Alumni wrote:
I enabled "NO SSH" test on a particular IP range.
Nevertheless still get the error "Cannot connect to SSH Server".

Did IP Range Scanning rescan your devices after you did this? Most likely you are looking at previously generated scanning errors. wrote:
"Global Credentials" is associated by default with each IPrange (and cannot be deleted) ad it contains a SSH-credential.

- If No SSH is checked for a range, all SSH credentials will be ignored, including the global one.
- The global SSH credential can also be deleted under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Credentials.
Lansweeper Alumni
Manual scanning does not currently take the No SSH flag into account. Do any of your devices still use SSH? If not, you can simply remove the SSH credential under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Credentials.
Engaged Sweeper
For the scheduled scanning this might work but what if I do a manual rescan of an asset ? how can I avoid it in that case ?
Lansweeper Alumni
You can check No SSH for the problem devices' IP ranges. SSH will no longer be tried for those ranges. Your IP Range Scanning settings can be found under Configuration/Scanning Setup/Scanning Methods.


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