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Engaged Sweeper

I just purchased the product and am looking for information on Domain Scanning and OU filtering features.

For OU filtering, I am hoping that it is a subset of a domain that has to be listed on the "Domain Scanning" tab.
For example, what if you have 6 domains listed: Dom-A, Dom-B, Dom-C, Dom-D, Dom-E, Dom-F, Dom-G
and specify ONLY the following OU filter
OU=Domain Controllers,dc=Dom-A,dc=local

Will it scan only the Domain Controllers for Dom-A and all the devices on the rest of the domains?

Thanks for you product and help!
Lansweeper Alumni
If you filter for "OU=Domain Controllers,dc=Dom-A,dc=local" it will scan everything ending with this (so also subfolders)
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for your response. Does the OU filtering also scan child-OUs? Or can this feature be included?
Lansweeper Alumni
If will scan "OU=Domain Controllers,dc=Dom-A,dc=local" from domain "Dom-A" and ALL computers from Dom-B, Dom-C, Dom-D, Dom-E, Dom-F, Dom-G


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