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Engaged Sweeper
Everything was working fine but after running for 3 days, the Unauthorized Administrators report returns:

##ERROR: Cannot open report Computer: Unauthorized Administrators

when i click the link.

Any suggestions to resolve this?
Engaged Sweeper
I've just sent an email.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you please contact us by e-mail to test a database index change.
Engaged Sweeper
I have found that the report runs manually, just not on the dashboard.

it might have something to do with the number of results, as there are several thousand.
Engaged Sweeper
I'm having this same issue. After a few days of scanning this report started showing an error. Banthon have you gotten any further?
Engaged Sweeper
OK, so the report is not timing out in Report Builder anymore and it was working fine in the Web console but again it is giving the same error. I am not sure what is breaking it.

Anyone else ever experience this?
Engaged Sweeper
I was able to open one of the SQL scripts that creates views, and I saw that there was a difference between the default and current settings. I replaced the "current" settings with the defaults, and it appears to be running now.

This is the first time that I have seen the report builder, so I have not made any changes in there. I don't know how it could have changed.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Engaged Sweeper
When I try to run it from Report Builder it just says "Timeout Expired"

The details of the report are:

Select Top 1000000 dbo.tblComputers.ComputerUnique, dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Computername, dbo.tblComputers.Domain, dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Description, dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Domainname, dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Username, dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Lastchanged, dbo.Web40OSName.Compimage As icon From dbo.tblUsersInGroup Inner Join dbo.tblComputers On dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Computername = dbo.tblComputers.Computername Inner Join dbo.tblOperatingsystem On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Computername Inner Join dbo.web40ActiveComputers On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.web40ActiveComputers.Computername Inner Join dbo.Web40OSName On dbo.Web40OSName.Computername = dbo.tblComputers.Computername Left Outer Join (Select Distinct * From (Select dbo.tblComputers.Computer As Domain, dbo.tblUsers.Name As Username From dbo.tblComputers Inner Join dbo.tblUsers On dbo.tblComputers.Computername = dbo.tblUsers.Computername Where dbo.tblUsers.BuildInAdmin = 1 Union Select tsysadmins.Domain, tsysadmins.AdminName As username From tsysadmins) DERIVEDTBL) localadmins On dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Domainname Like localadmins.Domain And dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Username Like localadmins.Username Where localadmins.Domain Is Null And localadmins.Username Is Null And dbo.tblUsersInGroup.Admingroup = 1 Order By dbo.tblComputers.Computer

Are you able to compare this to yours?
Lansweeper Alumni
Are you able to open the report in the report builder?
Most likely you made a change to the report or to the dashboard configuration.
Engaged Sweeper
The link is not clickable. It is just text.


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