How can I prevent Lansweeper from seeing/scanning my VOIP phones? The ones here at my main office are on their own subnet, so I just don't tell Lansweeper about those but our remote sites have 2 or 3 phones each on the same subnet as their computers and I would rather not have them show up in Lansweeper at all.
Windows computer exclusions only work for Windows computers. For non-Windows machines, you need to use IP exclusions. If the device changes IP, it may be scanned again if its new IP range is submitted for scanning.
I see where I can exclude Windows computers from being scanned. Will this work for the VOIP phones too? Lansweeper is using the phone's IP address as it's name so I guess I should just put the IP address of the phone into the exclusion list? Since the phones are using DHCP I'm assuming that they may pick up a new address eventually and need to be excluded again, right?