Well our IT Team had some fun on the last few days before the holidays, pranking some of our users. My contribution to this was to play a fart noise on selected users machines, yes I am very mature. You could obviously adapt this too play a more sensible sound that could potentially be more useful. If you guys have any suggestions let me know, also if you have any better pranks please share.
To achieve this copy the following Files/Directory to your actions directory
Google Drive FilesThe action,{actionpath}\SilentCMD {actionpath}\Fart.bat {computer} {actionpath}
Icon,You can copy the fart.png to your website\actions\ directory to allow you to set the icon to a nice wee green fart cloud.
Comments,Basically the runs a batch file, that creates a sound dir on the users machine, copies the mp3 and player to this directory, then runs the mp3 player pointing to the sound file.
The Batch File looks like this,
rmdir \\%1\c$\Sound /s /q
Xcopy /E /I %2\Sound\*.* \\%1\c$\Sound\
%2\PsExec.exe \\%1 /accepteula C:\Sound\cmdmp3 c:\sound\fart-01.mp3
DisclaimerObviously be careful who you send a fart to they might not find it funny