SH wrote:
update from 4.2 was not possible somehow
Could you clarify what you mean by this. What happened when you tried to update your existing Lansweeper 4.2 installation to 5.0?
SH wrote:
Unfortunately I can't create those reports or I didnt find the menu for it.
Under Dashboard, select All Reports and then hit the New Report button to start building a new report.
SH wrote:
Sicne I tried to save my old LS 4.2 installation I couldn't use my main SQL Server.
Could you clarify what you mean by this. SQL Server is still supported as a database backend for Lansweeper 5.0.
SH wrote:
Is it possible to migrate the lansweeperdb.sdf to the SQL Server and where are the connection settings for LS to connect to the DB?
Lansweeperdb.sdf is an SQL Server Compact database file. You cannot migrate SQL Server Compact files to SQL Server.