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Engaged Sweeper
Hi all! Just starting to play with my company's Lansweeper install and loving it so far. I am trying to wrap my head around how I can go about finding which PCs in my OU have 2 specific IE hotfixes, XP SP3 and Java u24. Would this be possible using a SQL query and if so can someone point me in the direction to go to read up on this or maybe even a sample query construct? I've gone through all 28 pages of the 'share your code' section and seen a couple here'n'there that have a couple of parts to what I need...would this be achievable with one report query? Thanks for any assistance!!!
Lansweeper Alumni
Please try the query below. Replace "KB1000000" and "KB2000000" with the specific hotfix IDs you're after.

Select Top 1000000 tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
From tblComputers Inner Join
tblOperatingsystem On tblComputers.Computername =
Where tblComputers.Computername In (Select tblQuickFixEngineering.Computername
From tblQuickFixEngineering
Where tblQuickFixEngineering.HotFixID = 'KB1000000') And
tblComputers.Computername In (Select tblQuickFixEngineering.Computername
From tblQuickFixEngineering
Where tblQuickFixEngineering.HotFixID = 'KB2000000') And
tblComputers.Computername In (Select tblSoftware.ComputerName From tblSoftware
Where tblSoftware.softwareName Like '%Java u24%') And
tblOperatingsystem.ServicePackMajorVersion = '3'
Order By tblComputers.Computername


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