I am trying to restrict users from being able to access Lansweeper. I understand there is already a KB for this: http://www.lansweeper.com/kb/restrict.aspx
However, I am still not able to have this working..
Here is my desired web.config:
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_HANDLER_Lansweeper" value="sqlserver.htm" />
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_STRING_Lansweeper" value="Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=****;Initial Catalog=lansweeperdb;User ID=lansweeperuser;Password=******;Connect Timeout=120" />
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_DATABASETYPE_Lansweeper" value="SQLServer"/>
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_SCHEMA_Lansweeper" value=""/>
<add key="MM_CONNECTION_CATALOG_Lansweeper" value=""/>
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true" />
<allow roles="DOMAIN\Lansweeper Users" />
<deny users="*" />
<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true"/>
I have an Active Directory group called "Lansweeper Users". I only only like this group to have access to the site, and no one else. I also want (as the KB recommends) to have Windows Authentication.
When I try to access the site, it does prompt me for my user credentials, however it does not accept the credentials, nor any of the users from that Group...
Can only point me to the right direction...