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Champion Sweeper
I had this post originally in the Premium forum, and as I went to update it I figured the freeware users could use this information as well so I'll just put it here.

Section 1: Preparing to use custom actions

Note for freeware users: Not all of your actions will work, you will need the premium version for everything.

If your useing Internet Explorer, you will need to change the security on the ActiveX section otherwise none of the custom actions will do anything.

To set up the correct IE security:
1. Click Tools and go to Internet Options.
2. Click on the Security Tab, highlight Local Intranet and click "Custom Level"
3. Scroll down to the ActiveX settings and set then to either Enable ot Prompt.

*See below for screen shots

If you are useing Firefox, you will need to get the IE toolbar from here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1419

Also it should be noted that you can add your own custom actions if you think of any that you can use. Most people use AutoIt and VBS scripts to do various things.

Section 2: Setting up custom actions

Custom Actions can be a little confusing. Here is step by step.

1. Create a new share on the LS server, mine will be called LSTools.
2. Set up security on the share
3. Unzip the tools to this share (I added more, so I can not tell you how many come with it anymore)

At this point, you should be able to see all of the tools if you go to \\yourserver\LSTools
If you can not, need to start troubleshooting here, this is not an LS problem, it's something with your server.

Open the LS GUI program and log in. On the very top is the "Configuration" tab, when you click on that "Custom Actions" should be selected automatically, if it is not, then select it.

You should see the rows labeled "Description" "Action" "Icon" "Sort" "Enabled" "Confirm":

Description: This is what you will see in the LS Web page.
Action: This is the line we will be messing with, it tells your web browser where to go to find the tool and gives the tool it's parameters. I will get back to this.
Icon: This is the pretty icon next to the Description.
Sort: This arranges the actions, the lower the number the higher on the page it is.
Enabled: Make sure this is checked if you want to use it on the web page, if it is unchecked, that action will not work.
Confirm: This means that when you click on it in the web page, it will ask you if you are sure you want to run this tool.

Simple so far, right?

These examples will involve lstrigger.exe. What you do for this one should be repeated for all of them.
Now to get the tools to work, you need to change the action line. If I remember correctly the default is myserver. so the action line should be something like this:
lstrigger.exe myserver {computer} {domain}

Remember that share I told you to set up earlier, now we are going to use it. You will need to edit the action line. For my example, the server where Lansweeper is installed, and where the Lansweeper tools are located is "LSserver".

First thing you will need to do is tell the action line where the tool is, change the line to:
\\LSserver\lstools\lstrigger.exe myserver {computer} {domain}

All you did so far is tell the web browser where to find the tool, now we need to get the tool to work. You will need to change off of the "myserver" entries to the server where Lansweeper is installed.
\\LSserver\lstools\lstrigger.exe LSserver {computer} {domain}

If you have the Lansweeper tools installed on a server that is different from where the Lansweeper service is running, the names will not be the same, please change accordingly.

Now go to the LS web page and try the LStrigger on a computer. Give it a few moments then click Refresh on your web browser. On the lower right side you should see a lot of red squares that shows Lansweeper is updating the information.

When this works, update the rest of the tools. Test them to make sure they are working. Now your done.

Here is how it should look when complete:
Remote control: \\LSserver\lstools\lsremote {computer}
VNC: \\LSserver\lstools\vncviewer.exe {computer}
Leave everything from Remote desktop to Traceroute alone, it should be set correctly already!
Take screenshot: \\LSserver\LStools\screengrab.exe {computer}
Reboot: \\LSserver\lstools\shutdown -r -m \\{computer}
Shutdown: \\LSserver\lstools\shutdown -s -m \\{computer}
Abort shutdown: \\LSserver\lstools\shutdown -a -m \\{computer}

This is where it gets tricky, leave the cmd.exe file alone, thats build into windows and you don't need to re-direct it. Pay attention on these lines.
Computer uptime: cmd.exe /K \\LSserver\lstools\uptime.exe {computer} /s
Remote processes: cmd.exe /K \\LSserver\lstools\pslist.exe \\{computer}
Show open files: cmd.exe /K \\LSserver\lstools\psfile.exe \\{computer}
Who's logged on: cmd.exe /K \\LSserver\lstools\psloggedon.exe \\{computer}

If you have any questions let me know.

Best of Luck!
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for this great post! Very helpful for a "non techy" like me!

I have followed the steps above for lstrigger and now at least when I click Trigger Scan on the web browser I get prompted if I want to run a scan. The problem is that it doesn't appear to be scanning. I am running network monitor between the lansweeper server and the computer that I have triggered the scan on, and there is no traffic, neither is the browser updating as described above and last scanned date remains the same.

Am I missing something?