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Engaged Sweeper
Open Lansweeper Web Console and get the HTTP 500 error message. Most likely causes: website under construction or website has programming error. I have re-installed IIS and get the same error message, so I wonder if a config file needs corrected. What config file(s) should I look at or what other aspects of the Lansweeper installation should I look at?
Engaged Sweeper
This is basically a new installation. I originally purchased and installed the 3.2 premier version and could not get it to work. Haven't had time to troubleshoot till recently and so I decided to install the 3.5.2 upgrade to see if that cleared the problem, but it has not. I see in the data in the Configuration utility, but I can't get the web console to load so that I can run reports.
Lansweeper Alumni
Is this a new installation?
Was it working before and did you change something?

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