Although this is not so simple or usefull for many of you, I've made a simple interface so I can use Internet history of a Firefox user, using the tool from Nirsoft:
Using AutoIt, I've made this simple script to get the firefox profile directory:
Global $FFprofilesDir
$FFprofilesDir = $CmdLine[1]
$FFprofilesIni = $FFprofilesDir & "\profiles.ini"
$replace = StringReplace($ProfilePath, "/", "\")
Run("MozillaHistoryView.exe -file " & """" & $FFprofilesDir & "\" & $replace & "\places.sqlite" & """")
Note that I read the file "places.sqlite", but it can be history.dat depending on your firefox version I guess.
You will need to put this dll's on the same folder of the actions if you don't have firefox installed on the running computer:
You should also put MozillaHistoryView.exe on the actions folder, as well as the compiled autoit script, I've named it FirefoxVHHelper.exe
The action should be something like:
{actionpath}FirefoxVHHelper.exe "\\{computer}\c$\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox"
Thats it.
Edit: For those who need the compiled version of the script, I've attached now that file. It only reads "places.sqlite" file; the code is posted on the top of this message.