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Engaged Sweeper II

When we add the "IP Locations Overview" widget to our dashboard, the IP locations do not come up in any percievable sort order.

Let me explain in an example...

What it should look like:

Name Count
100 - VLan 100 39
101 - VLan 101 15
102 - VLan 102 146

and so on like the above in order of the IP Location naming convention which in our case is by VLan.

However it currently displays like this:

Name Count
102 - VLan 102 146
100 - VLan 100 39
101 - VLan 101 15

They display completely out of order, keeping in mind we have hundreds of VLans.

Can this widget be ordered by the location name?
Lansweeper Alumni
This is a known problem that will be fixed in the next beta. (please contact us at if you want to be notified.


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