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Engaged Sweeper
Probably not a common problem, but in debugging a new LanSweeper 3.1 installation, I discovered that the LanSweeper service is a client of the HTTP API of Windows 2003.

The pre-existing IIS is also a HTTP API client which is only available on the loopback address ( in this installation for security reasons. This was accomplished by using the httpcfg.exe utility to limit binding of the HTTP API to the loopback only.

Unfortunately, the LanSweeper service is also limited to the loopback address by this configuration and cannot be reached by the lsclient.exe from the LAN.

I searched the forum for TCP/IP binding problems with no success.

Hence, I am posting this information in case someone else has the same problem in the future.


Lansweeper Alumni
In this case there will only be 2 options:
- move the service to another server
- allow other ip addresses using httpcfg.exe


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