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Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper beta testing is closed, please download the final version from the download page

Version: 16 April
- Updated installer to fix a problem when lansweeper is upgraded from d: drive and the internal webserver is used.

Version: 15 April
- Updated installer to fix website upgrade problems.

Version: 14 April
- Installer now works correctly in Samba domains.
- Fixed several small installer bugs.
- Fixed a problem in 4 reports.

Version: 12 April
- Installer can now upgrade previous beta versions and version 3.5.x (take a full backup before testing)
- Domain added to software search reports
- OU names are now unicode
- Software license columns are now aligned properly
- Enhanced Vmware server detection
- Unauthorised administrator report now allows wildcards
- Installer now detects IIS correctly on win2008 64 bit.
- Action screen now shows (x64) in the OS description if the OS is x64
- Scan times on the action screen are now hidden by default and can be expanded
- Location, purchasedate and warrantydate are now shown in the action screen if used in the custom fields
- Fixed OU and large title wrapping in reports
- Fixed a problem where SSH could not log in on solaris hosts
- Fixed error in the "DNS error" report
- Updated the device tester
- Several small bugfixes in the service
- Clicking on the search button works now
- Lstrigger now scans on fqdn first instead of netbios name
- Fixed error in Conficker worm report
- Lsremote and screengrab now have optional parameters /ap & /np to ask the user permission
- Lsclient now supports unicode computernames and usernames
- OU tree report now shows only active computers
- Fixed data entry bug in user actions
- Fixed data entry bug in device actions
- Webpages are now editable (note that editing webpages is not supported)

Version: 12 March
-OU's are now displayed in a tree view
-Computer actions can now use {scanserver} as parameter
-Computersystem added: NumberOfLogicalProcessors
-Processor added: NumberOfLogicalProcessors, NumberOfCores
-If devicename is not known, httptitle or dns hostname is used
-Macintosh device is now detected correctly if SSH is enabled
-Fixed: premium version not always detected
-Added debug parameter for better active scanning logging
-Fixed bug in 2e and 3e ssh login & password
-Fixed bug where windows 2000 machines could not be scanned
-Fixed: Adobe could not be selected in the list of serials as a type
-OID device lookup can now be changed with the configuration tool
-Changed sortorder in Software and Model overview
-Added premium tools to the installer

Version: 02 March
-Fixed: default time error when dateformat not in english
-Fixed problem when some SSH servers could not be scanned
-Fixed: Unchecked (Not Enabled) IP range gets scanned if highlighted when "Scan Now" is clicked
-IPqueue total added to website, IP scans in progress fully listed
-OS information for Win2003 < SP1 can now be scanned
-OS information for WinXP < SP2 can now be scanned
-Number of IP scanning threads can now be configured (default = 10)
-Increased timeout for reports on the website
-Improved performance and timeout for dashboards
-Fixed report Error: WMI access denied
-Fixed report Error: DNS error
-Fixed report Disk: No C:\ drive as boot partition
-Department,user and OU overviews are now sorted alphabetically
-Active directory objects with a comma are now read correctly. ("an,ambers")
-On the device screen the IP address can now be edited
-Fixed: General Reports page, the Computer: Unauthorized Administrators report appears twice
-New: Custom actions for devices (ping, SSH, telnet, ...)
-Computer exclusions list can now use "%" as a wildcard
-Fixed: some computers are resolved to IPv6 address.
-Reports send times and days can now be configured.
-IP range scanning times and days can now be configured separately for each range.
-Non windows machines (Linux,Mac, ...) are now ignored in Active scanning and scheduled ADSI scanning.
-Unauthorised administrator report now filters out the build in local administrators and uses the correct administrator group.
-Added ability to lock overwriting the device type
-Added device type "XEN server", "Mail server", "Wireless controller", "Handheld"
-Fixed: serialnumber could not be saved for devices
-Service now doesn't try to lookup active directory details if computer belongs to a workgroup.
-New IP scanning option: scan devices even if they don't reply to pings
-IP scanning added: Ftp,Smtp,Sip,Jetdirect,Telnet,Https + http server headers
-Enhanced vmware esx detection
-IP credentials can now have 3 default domains, 3 communities and 3 ssh logins per range
-Fixed: excel reports could not be generated on some 64 bit systems

Version: 18/2
-{ipaddress} variable in Wake on Lan added
-Correct win2008 R2 OS detection
-Report "OS: Not latest service pack win20008" corrected
-Report "OS: Not latest service pack win20008 R2" added
-Added DDR-3 memory type
-IP addresses can now be sorted
-Custom fields can now be saved

Version 4.0 changes (major update):


* Completely new intuitive web interface
* Over 200 standard reports included
* Powersearch bar (search everything from one place)
* Scanning of enclosure bays (chassis)
* Multiple software license enhancements
* Full unicode support
* Rewritten scan engine and optimized database
* Multiple report alert pages and customisation
* Optional "-1" value for waittime to completely disable scanning of an item.
* Option to change the display name of the custom fields (custom1,custom2,...)
* Governer that kills long running and locked up scanning threads
* New option for lsclient /scanonip to support vpn users
* New installer that supports IIS and Lansweeper build-in webserver.
* Integrated google software search
* Numerous small enhancements and bug fixes


* Device scanning: discover routers, printers, linux, switches, ... (snmp, ssh, http, ...)
* Windows eventlog error scanning and alert mailing
* Hardware and software change detection + history timeline
* Scheduled IP range scanning
* Alert report mailing (selected reports and alerts can be automatically mailed to configurable groups)
* Export reports to excel,csv and xml from the web interface
* Product key scanning now supports Microsoft,Adobe and plain text keys. (300+ software key locations included)
* Computer attached monitor scanning (model,manufacturer,serial number)
* Linux harddisk usage scanning
* OU scanning for active directory users
* Enhanced active directory integration
* Active directory cleanup actions
* Schedule scanning of computers and ADSI paths
* Custom user actions (reset password, unlock account,...)


* Support for multiple scanning servers with different configurations


This board contains archived posts from the retired Lansweeper Forum and Insiders Community.

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