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Engaged Sweeper

The "What's new" section tells me that there are 23 new reports. Where cn I find what they are?
Tony In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that He did not also limit his stupidity. Konrad Adenauer
Lansweeper Alumni
New reports:
-List of all software applications installed on each computer
-All workstations with anti-virus software
-All servers with anti-virus
-All workstations without anti-virus software
-All servers without anti-virus software
-Software changes in the last 24 hours
-Software changes in the last 7 days
-Servers by type (enterprise,R2,...)
-Computers by install date
-Computer: New computers found in the last 7 days
-Computer: New computers found in the last 24 hours
-Device: New devices found in the last 7 days
-Device: New devices found in the last 24 hours
-Computer: IP Address list
-Device: IP Address list
-Device: Printer status
-Device: Printer out of toner
-Device: Printer Toner level
-Device: Printer almost out of toner
-Computer: Memory changes
-IP Location: IP Address list
-Services: Non standard accounts
-Users: All user pictures


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